Sunday, 29 March 2009

Student Council with a Difference!

Students should play an active, positive role in school life and the concept of having Student Council in schools helps to achieve this. It gives students a voice and the opportunity to work in partnership with management and staff to improve their schools. Through this we hope to give students a positive role in the organization of the school thus ensuring that they are listened to and respected for their ideas and concerns. Student Council members should be involved in the decisions, which are made regarding the day-to-day running and management of the school. Discussions and Student Council meetings should be held to develop social and learning skills such as speaking, listening, problem solving and decision making. The concept of having Student Council should aim at involving young people in our school, who feel alienated from the society and have little confidence in their capacity to contribute to bring about change in their area and those who happen to be powerless in a system of governance that rules their lives. It should encourage them to understand why people vote and enables them to actively see the power of a collective voice to stimulate change.Student Council should offer students experiences and provide multi-dimensional approaches initiated by the students themselves via dialogue which encourages enthusiasm and maintains involvement by virtue of achievements. A sense of respect, care and trust should be inculcated in members. Communication between students, teachers, the principal and the board of management should be made paramount. It should offer the children the opportunity to voice their opinion, listen to each other and express their needs via the student body to get what it is they want. The members should be actively involved in the student council, to attend meetings regularly, participate in activities and be a role model for other students. They should try to hone out their hidden qualities and should work for a revamp as they are going to be the part of the active vibrant body which will lead to a better place to live in. It should propose how students can turn their dreams into reality. Finally this should help to prepare an active citizen, an active member of society with an independent way of thinking.
Oxygen... a movement view

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

We need Reforms!

“Law” the word in itself creates havoc and its implementation is always questioned. Thousands and thousands of laws are formulated every year but hardly any of them are followed. If laws are not going to be followed, let’s just throw them out. But if the rule of law is to be obeyed, then it is with the younger generation that the process must start. More laws and more directives will change nothing till every one of us is held to account for wrongdoing. There are too many people trapped in a dysfunctional system and it is for them we must keep trying. It is the duty of each and every citizen to look into such issues and work for a great change. The positive side can only be seen if people come out to challenge the conditions in which the vast majority of people live and fight the special interests that maintain such conditions. Even brighter front can be maintained if people question the unjust laws that clamp down on those who oppose it. The essential principle behind all this is that every one of us has the right to speak out, to protest wrong actions, to question laws that they believe are unjust, to question the authorities when they demonstrate unjust behavior. The due process of law must be followed. This is surely the minimum right of every person. It’s this right that is in jeopardy today when people can be arrested for challenging what is happening around them. It is a sad day when threats are issued against those who ask for the due process of law. It is sadder still when people hesitate to speak out on an arrested person’s right to due process for fear that they will be arrested as sympathizers of banned organizations. So, what is badly required today is reformation to build a humane, compassionate and caring society and values that we surely do not want to lose in the race for unethical values. Reformation is all about bringing alignment to what is displaced or malfunctioning in the society and can be clearly seen if each one of us start taking initiatives.
Oxygen ... amovement view

Monday, 16 March 2009


Every minute, every hour, every day, we are simply in the process of Dying. Yes, Dying. SURPRISING? Isn't it? Yes, we are so much preoccupied with our busy and hectic life schedules that we forget many basic aspects of human lives. There are so many things that seem so insignificant or unimportant. Yet, they build up our life or destroy it, they contribute to our happiness or misery, they are a source of danger or a wheel to progress. It all depends on us that how we take up even the smallest venture of our lives. We waste a large percentage of our energy fretting and fuming in useless anxiety and in complaining.We are very much interested in materialism. We are so much inclined through this materialistic world that we are unable to bring about different other colours in our lives. Colours in life do not only refer to earn livelihood but it also refers to doing each and every activity with full devotion and cheerfulness. Be it fulfilling our social responsibility, working for downtrodden or living our own personal lives. Festivals provide succor from these painful dealings and rejuvenate us with lots of energy and enthusiasm. With festivals round the corner, our difficulties melt away making us cheerful with lots of fun and frolic. Along with happiness, one of the best aspects of festivals is that of SHARING. This reinforces the social bonds between the group who celebrate the festival and shows strength and solidarity to those outside this social group. Here comes Holi and every nook and corner presents a typically colorful sight. People bury their hatchets with a warm embrace and throw their worries to the wind and greet even their enemies with a big bright SMILE. BUT it is bad to be extravagant in celebration instead we should take time to help the needy, poor and old people and share our happiness with them also. Let's take the pledge this Holi to make it HOLY in real sense and try to bring SMILE on every single person's face. Finally A Very Colourful Holi to one and all!
Oxygen... a movement view

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

The Literacy of the Whole Personality

"An education system isn't worth great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn't teach them how to make life." The above line is rightly said and it clearly defines the true essence of an education system. Literacy is the superficial aspect of any system where as "Literacy of the Whole Personality" is the soul of that very system. "Literacy of the Whole Personality" means to train our hands, eyes, mind and heart in such a way that they never do things against humanitarian principle. In other words we need to train our Gen Next in a way that ensures to inculcate ethical and morale values. It should be planned in such a way that it may enable our young people to remain loyal to their spiritual ideas and ideals. Love of God, country and humanity; sympathy, tolerance, impeccable honesty and uncompromising regard for truth should be made part and parcel of any existing education system. We need such a blend of education which can turn out a new manhood, vigorous yet calm, mighty yet tolerant and sympathetic, idealistic yet practical to the backbone. Finally it will be a terrible mistake on our part if we do not shape our education system accordingly.
Oxygen... a movement view