The mother is considered to be the first guru of a child. She teaches him the first lesson of life which is mainly focused on to cope with it. But it is the teacher or guru who imparts knowledge and wisdom to the child and charges his spirits. In India we have many occasions in which we feel obliged and pay our gratitude. Guru Purnima is one such occasion in which we thanks and feel proud of our teachers and pay them respect. Because its him who taught us to lead our life and how to get maximum out of it. In ancient times the meaning of education was mostly spiritual and it was considered to be the path which can lead you to reach god which was the ultimate goal of life. But the situation has changed completely in this modern era, so called 'kalyuga'. Now teaching is just another profession and students are considered customers whose need has to be taken care of. Schools are more concerned in making profits and education has become a commodity which can be purchased with the money. The ultimate goal is to make ourselves more professionally successful after completing the education. The so called valued relation has deteriorated and the special bonding between teacher and students is no longer observed. We should not get disheartened by present situation. Even today the teachers are the only person responsible for our knowledge. We must shed all our egos and surrender ourselves before him if we want to get true knowledge. The regards and respect should not diminish for our teachers and the real tribute for them will be only if we use our knowledge to serve the community.
Students' Oxygen movement view
Students' Oxygen movement view