Thursday, 16 September 2010

Students’ Oxygen Movement Fees Fund

Human beings are said to be the most evolved species on Earth- in terms of Science. But, in terms of Society and Spirituality, human beings are an essence of a whole- The Society and the Spirit. The true value of Human beings emerges with the blooming of their latent talents and humane characteristics- an ocean of virtues and inbuilt hidden discretions, need to be take out, bringing the conscience, the body and the mind in unison, directing this whole human system towards the real meaning of life and not towards a superficial and material existence in this world. This next to impossible seeming task has a key to the doors of the inside which unlocks the human system to bring out the best. This key is Education.
Education does it all spontaneously, where a child learns everything, rather, catches everything that comes his way- be it the home values, the trends of the society or his second home- School.
In School, the child becomes a student, a place where he goes to and learns at every step the art of living, acquires the life skills and explores the door to the inside.
The family and the society are a part of the child, but to be a student, to be in School, he has to pay a price- the more he pays, he better schooling he gets.
This intermediate step of monetary transaction should not pose an obstacle or a complete barrier in a child’s Schooling, as it is only education that moulds the most evolved species into real human beings.
It is the responsibility of the society (from which also comes the government) to provide schooling to every child for his overall growth by managing the running costs of the School’s infrastructure; and rightly so, because a child does not only belong to his parents, he belongs to the whole society and whatever he does affects the society.
This is not being uniformly practiced and many children do not go to School. That money does not become an issue in the process of Education, our Movement initiates “Students’ Oxygen Movement Fees Fund.” The Students’ Oxygen Movement Fees Fund is a voluntary fund, to be managed by the society. This fund seeks to provide an aid to the students who are in need of financial help in order to pay their fees.
A student can take help from the Fees Fund-
(1) A student can borrow a maximum of Rupees 2500 at a time.
(2) The student needs to produce a recommendation letter carrying the Principal’s consent, signature and the School stamp to be eligible to draw money from the Fund.
(3) The student should return the money conveniently, as soon as possible.
(Flexibility can be expected from the Fund Management if there are some urgent issues with the child.)
Participation of the People-
(1)People can sponsor money to the fund in multiples of Rupees 2500.
(2)They can deposit money in the fund for the use of students (in multiples of Rs. 2500). The management needs to be informed three months in advance when the money has to be withdrawn.
Let us take a step towards beautifying and adding quality to the lives of the children. Let us fulfill our responsibilities towards the society and be proud stakeholders in the formation of human beings, setting an example in front of the children, the future system makers so that they contribute their share to the society as good human beings, making this place a better one to live in.
Students' Oxygen movement view

Monday, 13 September 2010

We are not very clear in our approach towards 100 percent literacy

The reason and aspects of education differ from people to people. In India after the 63 years of Independence more than 40% of our children still don't have proper school hence they are illiterate. The rest 60% are literate but out of these how many have completed 12 years of schooling or how many went to colleges or had vocational training we don't have accurate data to clear the situation. Ironically 40 millions of these literates are jobless out of these 12% are Graduates or Post graduates. This is a grim picture of our education system after Independence.
The meaning of education too is different for all and depends upon our social and mental set-ups. To some education is everything and life is meaningless without it. For others it is just a medium which make them able to grab a decent job which is more economically productive or a tool for employment. The quality of education given at schools is questionable too.
It seems from our efforts since Independence that we are not very serious in our approach to educate our children otherwise the figures would have been more encouraging and something to be boost upon. Our effort particularly of Govt. seems to be a skin saving one. This is so because the picture in front of us is not very and we don't have proper mechanism to ensure 100% literacy. We often confuse literacy with education. Our training system today is making literates only who just wants to make money at any cost. We have plenty of toppers from our system but we hardly find a few who are really doing commendable works. Because we want to see our students as a money making machine only. Now education has become a commodity because education provider themselves consider this process as a business and their institution a profit booking center. Therefore we can't imagine of quality and true meaning of education which takes you closure to the GOD. How many of us actually wants to reach to the God today?
Students' Oxygen movement view