Thursday, 4 October 2012

Music is the Rhythm of Life

Music is a very important aspect of life because it is one of the most perfect symbols of life. As one of the fine arts, music should be cultivated as close to perfection as possible for then it will have a good chance of being that effective symbol which points beyond its essence to something that defies explanation. The musical experience re-creates sound - physically when performed and mentally and psychologically when listened to. 
The world would be a very quiet place. Music is in many ways the fabric of our lives and the definition of society. It is a reminder of how things once were, an indication of how things are, and a view of where society is headed. Music is a direct reflection of the picture of society. Music can be a way to deliver messages, a poetic medium, a fine art, or nothing more than a source of entertainment. No matter what it is used for, music is the perfect art and our lives would be that much less complete without it that life as we know it would not at all be the same without music. Music is the perfect art. It has movement, because it progresses over a set period of time. All musical works have a beginning and an end.
Music is an art closely related to life. Each day of life is a new experience; each dawn opens a new paragraph of opportunities. The rhythm of living day-by-day is good because it is certain; it will more than likely arrive. But more important, each day offers unique experiences. The wise person never has a monotonous life. Each time music is interpreted it is a new creation ; it attains new life. 
The life of each individual reveals a theme. Each person has his own logical reason for being. All humans generate a melody in life, a basic attitude toward life, a philosophy of living whether he or she realizes it or not. The history of human musicians is rich, and has many fine people lining its ranks. Music has changed the artistic and non-artistic world immeasurably, such that a world without music is nothing more than a terrifying fantasy. The very prospect is difficult to consider.
Last but not the least, it is very essential to quote this fact that all the sounds of nature are all part of the greater Music of the universe. Man-made music is entirely influenced by the true music of nature. For humans to create music is inevitable. It is as natural as thought. With mankind being surrounded by nature’s music, he has no choice but to make music of his own. Therefore, the idea of a world without music is highly hypothetical. This "world without music" seems to have incoherence and cracks in it. It does not make sense and does not quite explain itself. Music is essential for the world to even make sense. A world without music would be a quiet place indeed.    
Students' Oxygen Movement View

Orphans are special

“THERE IS NOTHING FOR AN ORPHAN TO REMEMBER EXCEPT HATE, IF THERE IS NOT A LOVE FOR AN ORPHAN TO REMEMBER”     Orphans are common in fairy tales, such as most variants of Cinderella. Many religious texts, including the Bible and the Quran, contain the idea that helping and defending orphans is a very important and God-pleasing matter. 
Two of the most important religious leaders, Moses and Muhammad, were orphaned as children. Famous orphans include world leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Andrew Jackson; the Muslim prophet Mohammed; writers such as Edgar Allan Poe, and Leo Tolstoy.
In the common use, an orphan does not have any surviving parent to care for him or her. Orphans are relatively rare in developed countries, as most children can expect both of their parents to survive their childhood. Much higher numbers of orphans exist in war-torn nations such as Afghanistan. Wars and great epidemics, such as AIDS, have created many orphans. 
A child is like raw clay whatever shape we will give it will mould accordingly. Child is most truthful and innocent being, he or she should be treated with great love and respect, they have right to get good education, opportunity in society to grow as good citizen. They need protection from family to build confidence to face the world and care to nurture their childhood.
 Unfortunately there are millions of children who are living without any support, care and roof. They are deprived of family and education and forced to live in inhuman condition. Such helpless children are known as orphan. An orphan is a person who has lost his or her parents and therefore he is left alone and nobody is there to take care for them.
In Dubai orphans are treated as social responsibility of kingdom. They are first sent to pediatric hospital for first aid and basic medical treatment. They get all the basic needs like food, clothes and shelter. There is well devised adoption process where these orphans can be adopted by citizens.
 In order to bring about changes in these deprived children we all need to act together, government should make permanent arrangement to bring a wholesome environment and give them equal opportunity. It is important to educate children who have parents that these orphan children also need their help and support  & not sympathy.
All across the globe people work towards welfare of orphans. Great efforts are being taken by countries like Europe, Africa, US, Asia, and Russia. Great efforts of mother Teresa has resulted in changing lives of millions of children. Like she rightly said that "Let nothing perturb you, nothing frightens, you. All things pass: God does not change. Patience achieves everything who ever has God lacks nothing."
Students' Oxygen Movement View

Our Teachers as role models

Teachers are one of the main pillars of a sound and progressive society. They bear the weight and responsibility of teaching, and, apart from parents, are the main source of knowledge and values for children.
Today, the Effective teacher is one who sometimes sees himself in his students. Therefore a teacher is just like an actor who plays many roles such as:
* A modern teacher is a helping teacher. It is the teacher who through the class room imbibes the feeling of ‘Share and Tell’, ‘Give and Take’, ‘Think and Do’ in the students which is later on generated in the society.
*A modern teacher is always Flexible in his Approach. The modern teacher encourages new trends in the field of education. He is ready to make experiments to make the teaching learning process effective by keeping in view the new trends, new waves in the modern society.
*A modern teacher welcomes changes and accommodates the society with upcoming trends. As the technological advances are taking place rapidly, everyday, it is new thought, new wave and teacher welcomes the changes and makes the society ready to face the new challenges, new trends.
* A modern teacher is Good Counselor. Teacher’s field is not limited up to covering the academic side but he also performs the role of a counselor for the students and the society. He is considered to be the specialist and highly knowledgeable person. People look up to him as a person who can really give a good piece of advice.
* Transmitter of values: He is the one who carries the higher values, virtues within him so as to become a role model of the society and thus strengthening the moral aspect of the society.
* Custodian and Architect of our future; Mrs. Indira Gandhi Said “Nation’s well being depends on teacher’s well being. Our teachers are the custodian of our future.”   Modern teacher has an important role to play to shape of the future of the country.
The teacher is the architect of our future. They are the one who show us the right path as someone has rightly said “Teacher is just like a lamp, who burns itself to light others”.
Along with all these qualities, modern teacher is democratic, sympathetic, self confident, industrious and most importantly self confident, having strong sense of duty. As someone has rightly said, “All things to all his pupils”.
As Dr. Radha Krishnan said, “The teacher’s place in the society is of vital importance. He acts as the pivot  for the transmission of intellectual traditions and technical skill from generation to generations and help to keep the lamp of civilization burning”. 
Students' Oxygen Movement View

Politics- Don’t Hate it, Be a Part of it

POLITICS is defined as the science of government; that part of ethics which has to do with the regulation and governance of a nation or state, the preservation of its safety, peace, and prosperity, the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Sadly Indian politics stands for none of this.
It was a different era when India fought for independence from British colonial rule. The giants of the freedom movement were those who were successful in their own professions or calling. What mattered then were education, integrity, talent and capacity to serve the nation. The scenario changed almost overnight as India became free. A new leadership emerged and with it came strange shady characters, which seemed to have a remarkable influence on matters of State and on the State’s leaders. Extra-constitutional power centers flourished.
As like any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive and legislative branch of the government is run by the representatives of the political parties who have been elected through the elections.                                                                
Since India has a multiparty system there are a number of national and regional parties. 
But at present, Indian politics is facing many problems & disparities which needs immediate check & for that we have to take the initiative.
We need to exercise our right to vote, implement and use tools like the RTI effectively, we need to be aware about what is happening around us, we need to raise our voices against what we feel and know is wrong and most importantly we need to start thinking of joining this system because if there is any way we can think of doing a cleaning up act it is only from the inside.
We need to exercise our right to vote, implement and use tools like the RTI effectively, we need to be aware about what is happening around us, we need to raise our voices against what we feel and know is wrong and most importantly we need to start thinking of joining this system because if there is any way we can think of doing a cleaning up act it is only from the inside.
So let’s at least make an attempt in that direction by starting to speak our hearts and minds and hopefully one day we will be able to make the India of our dreams.
Students' Oxygen Movement View 

Festivity of Eid

The significance of Id-ul-Fitr stems from the special meaning it holds for the entire Muslim community. Legend says that Prophet Mohammad had laid down Eid ul Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha as days of rejoicing and feasting for the Muslims, in the remembrance of Allah. Since then, Muslims fast for the complete month of Ramadan and offer spiritual devotions to the almighty Allah, believing that the fasting will bring them close to Allah and also get them forgiveness for their past sins. It is believed that whoever fasts during Ramadan with absolute faith shall have his past sins forgiven. 
Another important aspect of Eid ul Fitr lies in the distribution of charity on the day. Every Muslim who has some means must pay Zakt-al-Fitr, a sum to be donated for the month of Ramadan, to impoverished Muslims. 
Id-ul-Fitr is also a festival that fosters brotherhood and interactions, as people visit each other on the days of festivity. Friends, relatives and loved ones are greeted and offered sweets. Gifts are given to children, mostly in the form of money. Some Muslims also pay a visit to the graveyard to pay homage to the departed souls. Some scholars also believe that the month-long fasting is undertaken to acknowledge the superiority of the spiritual realm over the physical realm. Nevertheless, the spirit of conviviality surrounds the celebrations of Eid ul Fitr throughout the Islamic world.
Students' oxygen Movement View

Talent Sharing Program

We believe that the world would be a better place, if it had more bridges than walls, if there were more people than machines, more hearts than brains and more sharing than gathering. We believe that through sharing talent between young leaders the world will be a better place to live in. 
Talent Sharing Programme is one such activity that can strengthen the foundation of the society. Under this initiative, students from Private schools will undertake the task of enhancing the language skills of Governmental school students. Sharing of talent is one aspect of involvement; the students from both sides will gain in ways more than one. 
First, a society with good communication will develop. Second, the students from different social backgrounds will get to interact with each other where they will learn to relate with each other despite the prevailing barriers both social and economical. Students, who are graded and barred by mere boundaries of money will experience a sense of belonging, hence, working together with mutual consensus towards a better and collective future.
Students will get to feel the real taste of life, realizing that it is not a cake walk for majority of mankind; and stories of success after constant struggle belong to personalities who walked on earth in flesh and blood. They will learn to equip themselves with readiness to accept and move out of the comfort zone, into the world where living and survival are terms synonymous with each other. One will be able to see beyond the aspects of personal fulfillment, and a sense of equality in all walks of life, and for all, would set in.
The less opportune students, on the other hand will be able to see that no dream  is too big, and money is never a problem till the quality of education is right. Talent Sharing Programme, when taken seriously can bring major changes in the society.
When a private school student gets an idea about what life is for a govt. school student, who might be studying without electricity, using a second or third hand book, may be subjected to dead insects and rotten grains in the name of midday meal, and studying after all these hardships- he will realize the importance of who we are over what we have; hence, demolishing the concept of measuring someone on the Money-meter.
It might seem that students from the cream class may be above the not very well off ones, but this is not the case, and more often than not, the situation is the opposite. These “ not very well off “ students are better equipped  and ready to take on life, because when they rise, they won't forget their roots, or the fact that they weren't born with a silver spoon.
This programme is an effort to eradicate the unnecessary and unhealthy gap created between two faces of the society. It requires the contribution and willingness of the private school students- an endurance , that the “present” student is a “future” leader, irrespective of anything at all, and to make a good system, mutual coexistence and collective development are the keywords- which has to start right from now, the formative phase. Talent Sharing Programme is a step to bridge the gap and shun the walls, which, we believe, will make for a better place to live in.
Students' Oxygen Movement View

Value of Friendship

The causes of modern social problems, from divorce to homelessness and obesity, are often thought to be based in areas such as poverty, stress or unhappiness. But researchers suggest we are overlooking something crucial: friendship. It would appear that our society is ignoring its importance.
The value of friendship is something that not many people take time to ponder over and appreciate, and it may be said that we often take our friends for granted. Often we only realize the value of friendship when we find ourselves in need of a friend: when we are confined with problems and need a shoulder to rely on and to get advice for our complicated issues.
If we find ourselves to have lost a close friend we understand what we have truly lost, and understand the importance of friendship in our lives. We have many people entering our lives, some for a short time, others longer, each on a varying scale of personal relationships from associations to intimate love and marriage. We form a bond of true friendship with only a select few, those that move with us through the stages of our lives.
Friendship comprises of many human values such as sympathy, mutual understanding and compassion, but above all it is about honesty, trust and love with a degree of intimacy. Friendship is undoubtedly a central part of our lives, due to the concerns we have for our friends and also because our friends can shape who        we are as a person. Most of the times we need friends for companionship, conversations and laughter, but the real virtue of friendship lies in the support that we get from our friends, and the concern that they show.
There are many things we value about friendship; aspects that can be seen from the outside such as spending time together and doing activities together. But the values in friendship, the intrinsic values, are what make friendships a core part of an individual and his personality. 
There can be many more reasons why our friends are so dear to us and why their friendship is so precious. Friends fight for us when we are insulted, defend us in front of the world and pray alongside us in difficult times. But as important as it is to have friends, equally important is to know how to maintain them. The seeds of friendship need to be sowed deep and the plant needs to be carefully and tenderly nurtured to bear a great fruit.
Friendship is one of the most beautiful and fragile relationships in the world. Our friends are our pillars of strength and give us the much needed support and comfort that we all seek in life. 
Students' Oxygen movement view

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Peer Pressure

Peers influence your life, even if you don't realize it, just by spending time with you. You learn from them, and they learn from you. It's only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group.
Peer pressure is one thing that all teens have in common. You can't escape it. It is everywhere. Whether it is pressure to conform to a group norm or pressure to act, peer pressure is something everybody has to deal with at some time in his or her life.
Children, especially during adolescence, begin to spend a lot more time with their friends, and less time with their family. This makes them more susceptible to the influences of their peers.
Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids might make fun of them if they don't go along with the group. Others go along because they are curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that "everyone's doing it" can influence some kids to leave their better judgment, or their common sense, behind.
How successfully you handle peer pressure depends a great deal on how you feel about yourself and your place in the world. There are certain "risk factors" for peer pressure, personality traits that make you more prone to give in to peer pressure.                                                              
Peer Pressure is two types; such as positive and negative peer pressure.  Peers may pressure others into negative behaviors or away from positive behaviors, but can push in positive directions as well. Not all teens react to peer pressure in the same way. Gender and age are factors.
It is tough to be the only one who says "no" to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away, and resist doing something when you know better.
Students' Oxygen movement view