Friday, 18 May 2007

Students Asked- “Good Education or Reservation ?”

Our constitution has provision for reservation to provide equal opportunity to the oppressed people so that they can be brought in the main stream of development. The motive was to protect their rights which were snatched by the so called elite class of the pre independent India. These classes for long deprived them of their social rights and chance of upliftment due to their selfish and suppressive attitude. After independence, reservation was allocated to these oppressed classes to provide them equal rights and opportunities but the million dollar question still remains unanswered- ‘Can we really speed up the process of social justice by compromising with quality and intellectuality?’ ‘Is reservation the only way out to perpetuate quality among the deprived or whether it's a mere political gimmick to ensure their vote-bank?’. Have we ever analyzed and assessed the results of reservation whether it has been beneficial to the downtrodden people of India or not?
Politicians will definitely comment on these issues with their sole interest that is confined to gaining popular votes during elections. But what are our duties as a nationalist and a true citizen of India? Can't we bring a consensus, leaving behind our caste and social backgrounds? We have to ensure that the light of educational training must reach every child so that the qualities hidden in them can be tapped and given a chance to blossom by which our country can benefit. We can surely say that nobody would object to this effort of ours, then why don't we go for such a reservation where every child gets equal opportunity to study? We don't need quotas keeping into view the caste census to ensure vote-banks, ultimately creating a rift in our social system. We as true citizens of India must say 'No' to these evil efforts. Do we have the courage and unity to raise our voice against these gimmicks?
Oxygen... a movement view

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