Sunday, 21 December 2008

Moving from ‘me’ to ‘we’

It is very human to think for oneself. We all plan our lives, the food we want to relish , the clothes we want to wear, the subject we would like to study and the person we would become in our lives.But how often do we care to think about others or even in a collective manner. If we think for the good and betterment of others then we too will be benefitted. Modern lifestyle , the demands of our job and the gradually popping up of nuclear family-culture are few of the reasons that are causing drift between people. Whenever we think, it is ‘me’ that comes to our mind first and not ‘we’. This is quite obvious because we have been brought up in such a society that probably has failed to nurture in us the quality of doing things collectively. We see that the examination timings of various schools are different so children residing in the same colony are unable to meet each other or play together. This prevents mingling of children and the exchange of ideas between them. The examination pattern is also such that it is to test how much a child can memorize and not as to what extent the child understands or interprets a particular subject. Examinations should never be conducted under pressure because it will yield nothing in the long-run. In such a case the child just crams the lessons without understanding. Examinations should always be conducted at an ease without harassing or torturing children. The schools should not only aim at academic excellence but also look into the interests and requirements of the child. If we think only ‘me, me and me’ then one will be left alone in life. By thinking about oneself one only can achieve transient happiness but if we move ahead along with others then we will experience everlasting happiness. So lets direct our thoughts and actions from ‘me to we’.
Oxygen... a movement view

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