Monday, 12 January 2009

A new beginning

The clock will strike, twelve and the dawn of a new year will come unfolding new things for each one of us. New year is not mere the beginning of a new calender year but the commencement of various activities round the globe.If we co-relate this with the then persisting weather conditions, we find that it is in absolute harmony with the new beginning. The flowers start blooming , the trees bear lovely shades and the sweet fragrance fills us with freshness. And this happens after a tough winter-time. All these act as a booster that catalyzes our activities. We generally start a year with resolutions but the point is not in making resolutions but to improve ourselves with each passing day. It's important to note that how can we discard bad habits and gradually replace them with good ones as they will cumulatively result in good character.Future is uncertain and unknown but our actions our under our control and its we who will direct our wills and actions to the right tract. Today, not only our nation but the entire world is facing the numerous problems which need to be solved as an urgency. The solutions are present as there is no problem without a solution, the need is to look for it. The past year may have left sweet-and-sour memories for us but lets not regret for anything rather determine to achieve what we want to achieve in life. Life is a pot-pouri of sorrow and happiness but its wise to extract maximum from whatsoever is available to us and live each moment to the fullest. Living with satisfaction is an and lets learn this art to live life to the fullest. And if however things have not turned out well then there is nothing to be disheartened. Its better to rectify our deeds rather than repenting. Things will seem better if possess an optimistic attitude towards life. One should never depart with hope as this is the factor that persuades us to move on.
Oxygen... a movement view

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