Wednesday, 25 February 2009

"I Want to Take Tests in Sports, Music and Social Activities As Well"

Education means an overall development of an individual. We want such a system where we all are comfortable with our studies and don't merely take it as a burden. We would love to take tests for subjects like math, English, etc. with the right kind of counseling. Further we'd love to explore the different fields of learning such as sports, music and social activities. A balanced growth is very important for an individual and for this, we need to accomplish in more fields such as music, art, language and test ourselves. For instance, discipline in life can be brought when we involve ourselves in games and play fair. Our self-confidence and morale boosts up when we are exposed to the masses or indulge in social activities. We have placed co-curricular activities at a lower level and only the books get primary importance. But these fields of learning which are so called extra curricular activities form the very core of education. Knowledge in these fields and their assessment is important for the nourishment of one's character. These activities are very important and inclusion of these and their official examination would surely help bring a radical change in the society. A revamp in the exam patterns is necessary so that we can realize our dream of taking tests in all these fields- music, sports and social activities, a reality!
Oxygen... a movement view

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Don't wait for the movement; Create the moment

The world is encountering a population explosion with a very high percentage of youth population; hence, a booming human resource.But the people of this world are turning so ambitious that they have stopped considering the means by which they achieve their ambitions. The words like 'Industrialisation', 'globalisation', commercialisation' have gained so much importance that spirituality and humanity seem to be losing their significance.But now, the youth will tell them the difference between right and wrong and bring them on TRACK.We are living in a place full of corruption and evils. And yes, we have the potentiality to change the world. We are the future. But what about our present? Yes, we are the future, but can we afford to wait till we grow up to exercise the right to franchise and then become the decision makers? We are the youth, brimming with energy, zeal and enthusiasm. Do we really need to wait till we become evil servants, artists, actors in order to so the world what we are? The answer is- No. We, the youth need not wait for the moment but we have to create the moment and let our energy wake the world in our own little ways. We have to reach out. Be it stopping somebody from littering our locality, spreading or achieving our own short them goals. We are not only the coming tomorrow, but we have to be the present as well. Fresh and pure, we are capable of banishing the evils from society. Once we start our multitasking, there's no stopping Us. We need to take off some of the responsibilities from those weak shoulders this moment itself. Taking the initiative from “ME” and converting it as a youth force to “WE”, we'll make THEM believe that we don't WAIT, we CREATE.
Oxygen... a movement view

Monday, 9 February 2009

I want to love my exams

Its been two weeks that I have not gone out for playing nor have I watched any T.V. show sine two weeks. Know the reason behind it, EXAMS.Exams........the very word is sufficient in causing tension and fear in students. Exams are indeed necessary to judge the mental ability of the child and setting certain standards for promoting the child.Examinations are not only the tests of the receiver but also of the giver i.e. is the teacher. Exams, the very one that we face today are mere tests of memory and not understanding. The examinations mainly focus on extracting facts and data from the child. They are completely book-centred and merely involve any mental exercise. There are frequent incidences when there is complete nervous-breakdown of the child in the examination hall. And mind it, this is not the case with the toddlers but also many youngsters. Tears rolling down the cheeks, inability to answer despite of knowing the answer, suffering from fever and nausea are few of the symptoms that indicate as to how much fear does EXAMINATION cause to children. More than two semesters in an academic session, multiple sittings in a day and memory-based questions are a perfect combination to harass the child and make him psychologically uneasy. Regular assessments of the students, weekly tests will surely supplement in judging the academic and intellectual level of the child. Proper counseling and guidance, constant support of parents will enable the child to take the examinations as a normal happening and not as a terror. Innovation in the examination pattern and full-fleged support of family and friends will make each child say-’ I love my examinations’.
Oxygen... a movement View

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Rang de basanti

With the lovely fragrance all around, dancing flowers singing the song, here arrives the spring to rejuvenate us. Spring time is symbolic of a new beginning. After the hard times of winter, spring comes with a new ray of hope. It signifies that no matter how long and dark the night may be, the beginning of a new dawn is inevitable. The Indian culture is not only unique because of its long history but also because of the importance that it gives to nature. It has nurtured love and respect for nature through its various rituals. Basant panchmi is a nature festival. We worship goddess Sarswati on this day. She is the goddess of ‘art and wisdom’. It is customary to worship the deity on this day and ask her to give us the wisdom to lead a good life. We invoke her blesssings before taking up a new task. In terms of energy and ambience, it is the best time to introspect oneself and attain new heights through our planned actions.Lets ask the deity to ‘rang de basanti’ . Basanti is the colour of sanctity, revolution, patriotism and newness. To live with ‘basanti fervor’ means to be able to learn, unlearn and relearn. Discard of old habits will give way to new ones. This can be learnt from the around that shed their leaves and bear new leaves. Change is the rule of nature and we too are bound undergo some changes during our lifetime. Now, its up to us that how, when and in what manner we implement changes in our lives.But, in our celebration lets not forget that it the festival meant to appreciate the beautiful nature and thank it for its bountiful resources. We hope and pray that this festival rejuvenates our vigor and give us the thoughtfulness to live in harmony with nature. The earth is suffering from multiple problems at the moment and most of them have an anthropogenic origin. Lets join hands in protecting mother earth and keeping it green.
Oxygen... amovement view