Thursday, 5 February 2009

Rang de basanti

With the lovely fragrance all around, dancing flowers singing the song, here arrives the spring to rejuvenate us. Spring time is symbolic of a new beginning. After the hard times of winter, spring comes with a new ray of hope. It signifies that no matter how long and dark the night may be, the beginning of a new dawn is inevitable. The Indian culture is not only unique because of its long history but also because of the importance that it gives to nature. It has nurtured love and respect for nature through its various rituals. Basant panchmi is a nature festival. We worship goddess Sarswati on this day. She is the goddess of ‘art and wisdom’. It is customary to worship the deity on this day and ask her to give us the wisdom to lead a good life. We invoke her blesssings before taking up a new task. In terms of energy and ambience, it is the best time to introspect oneself and attain new heights through our planned actions.Lets ask the deity to ‘rang de basanti’ . Basanti is the colour of sanctity, revolution, patriotism and newness. To live with ‘basanti fervor’ means to be able to learn, unlearn and relearn. Discard of old habits will give way to new ones. This can be learnt from the around that shed their leaves and bear new leaves. Change is the rule of nature and we too are bound undergo some changes during our lifetime. Now, its up to us that how, when and in what manner we implement changes in our lives.But, in our celebration lets not forget that it the festival meant to appreciate the beautiful nature and thank it for its bountiful resources. We hope and pray that this festival rejuvenates our vigor and give us the thoughtfulness to live in harmony with nature. The earth is suffering from multiple problems at the moment and most of them have an anthropogenic origin. Lets join hands in protecting mother earth and keeping it green.
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