Monday, 16 March 2009


Every minute, every hour, every day, we are simply in the process of Dying. Yes, Dying. SURPRISING? Isn't it? Yes, we are so much preoccupied with our busy and hectic life schedules that we forget many basic aspects of human lives. There are so many things that seem so insignificant or unimportant. Yet, they build up our life or destroy it, they contribute to our happiness or misery, they are a source of danger or a wheel to progress. It all depends on us that how we take up even the smallest venture of our lives. We waste a large percentage of our energy fretting and fuming in useless anxiety and in complaining.We are very much interested in materialism. We are so much inclined through this materialistic world that we are unable to bring about different other colours in our lives. Colours in life do not only refer to earn livelihood but it also refers to doing each and every activity with full devotion and cheerfulness. Be it fulfilling our social responsibility, working for downtrodden or living our own personal lives. Festivals provide succor from these painful dealings and rejuvenate us with lots of energy and enthusiasm. With festivals round the corner, our difficulties melt away making us cheerful with lots of fun and frolic. Along with happiness, one of the best aspects of festivals is that of SHARING. This reinforces the social bonds between the group who celebrate the festival and shows strength and solidarity to those outside this social group. Here comes Holi and every nook and corner presents a typically colorful sight. People bury their hatchets with a warm embrace and throw their worries to the wind and greet even their enemies with a big bright SMILE. BUT it is bad to be extravagant in celebration instead we should take time to help the needy, poor and old people and share our happiness with them also. Let's take the pledge this Holi to make it HOLY in real sense and try to bring SMILE on every single person's face. Finally A Very Colourful Holi to one and all!
Oxygen... a movement view


shivam murarka said...

Life is like a life, if you will take it seriously it will be wonderful, but if u'll play with it it will cut you in infinite pieces.

shivam murarka said...

sorry! life is like a *knife

shraddha said...

life is indeed what you make of it.Its not only about how YOU live,its also about how much effort you put in to make other's lives worth their's. Thinking about or working towards one's own benefits is no crime indeed . That's a right we possess. But this very fact makes us answerable to our basic humane duties as well.Love and compassion to all are the simple but important values that are important to make us realise the pricelessness of human lives.

Unknown said...

People are always fretting about their lives.They are always complaining about the negative aspects of their lives but they don't bother to look around their positive aspects of life.Life is too short for our complains and we should learn to enjoy whatever we have got.