Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Enjoy scarcity over richness if it comes through dishonest means

Today we have lost the true meaning of education. The four pillars which comprises the education system are parents, teachers, society and the student himself. The present system is more oriented towards bookish knowledge rather than the value and evolvement of mind and soul as the real meaning of education. And the main aim is financial success rather than happy content life. Our society, family and system also encourages and pressurizes our students to become a money making machine directly or indirectly. This attitude results in plenty of ill effects which is reflected within our society. We are becoming more and more self-centered ultimately a true selfish person who is least bothered about social concern and responsibilities causing indifference and low human values. The lust and greed for money has become the priority of life and getting money to lead a lavish life. Practicing of corrupt means has become a common phenomenon leading to increased corruption in our day to day life. Even the sense of responsibility and self esteem has taken a backseat in our unending greed the money just to pose as rich within the society. But we don’t realize that on what and whom cost we are getting these money? We utilize our power and position to grab the public money which is meant for their need and development. We even digest money which has to be utilized for country development. Does we get education only for this purpose only? This question has to be answered sooner or later otherwise it will be free for all and a condition of anarchy will emerge in the country. There are three main things in the education. First is the knowledge about your soul, then yourself and ultimately to know about God. The end product of education is inculcating character and responsibility within a man. We must learn to enjoy scarcity over richness if it comes after killing our character and soul.
Students' Oxygen movement view

1 comment:

PrAcHi said...

good morning sir we have organized that sunday discussion well friends of mine are attracted towards oxygen i got confidence of explaining about oxygen and being one of the co ordinator