Tuesday, 26 July 2011

A healthy body bears a healthy mind

Today the emphasis is given more and more on the academic excellence of the child. The physical part is generally ignored or completely neglected in most of the schools. It’s a very old saying that a healthy body bears a healthy mind. The improvement of health of the child can be ensured if we engage them in other activities like games and sports along with their studies.
We all need a break from the normal routine life since it becomes monotonous. Studies do need break after some time so that our mind can relax so that it can concentrate more. This break becomes necessary after several minutes. A good teacher tries to make class more interesting and student friendly so that students can give their proper attention and concentrate on the topic.
Like other machines, our mind and body also need some time to recharge and relax. Children have keen interest in games and like to play in school or at home. It's a common notion that they get scolded due to their this very interest by their teachers as well as parents. A child needs physical fitness along with studies for his overall development. Unfortunately we have plenty of schools which don’t have proper play grounds hence the physical part is neglected altogether. Most of the schools don’t have trained teachers and infrastructure to look after this important need.
Through sports children improve their physical fitness and their muscles and bones become strong and flexible and enhance their stamina. The brain also gets sufficient time to relax and fresh oxygen with the increased circulation and removes the toxins improving the concentration and alertness.
Nowadays with the technological advancement students are devoting lesser time in physical sports and PT at schools. They sit mostly in front of computers and like to play computer games on their mobile.
This trend is catching up with majority of school going kids. Even the eating habits have changed. They prefer ready made foods and drinks over the traditional meals. All these have bad impact on their physical and mental health. That's why they develop physical complexities like stress, obesity, indigestion, insomnia , to name the few, at early ages which is not at all good.

Students' Oxygen movement view

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