Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Let us make education the biggest issue

We are living in a society without foundation today. A foundation which will enable the structures built today stand strong tomorrow. And when the foundation itself is weak can we expect the structures to stand tall? Can we expect a future without a present? The answer is no. Innumerable people talk of the fate of doomed students who are not getting proper guidance, the much needed changes to empower the students to be able to decide what they need but these are mere hollow talks which have not taken anyone anywhere. We need a mass movement, a revolution if we really want to do something for the students. And it is for this purpose that we have started the Creative Vision Dream School Campaign. Education and true education only can be that foundation which will give children the strength and the ability to achieve what they dream of. The Dream School campaign is going to give that much required opportunity to the students, to voice their concerns and their opinions about the ills of this foundation which is failing to give them the support for a brighter future. Through this unique initiative, we have tried and are trying again and again to create awareness among the masses that schools without proper teachers, a large number of schools that are absent from the system and a huge chunk of young population which does not even have access to the basic primary education, is not something that the future of this deserves. The rich history and the even richer cultural and literary heritage stands falsified if they fail or they are not utilised to provide concrete present to the society in the form of intellectually rich human capital. It is only through education and by utilising it that we can do more constructive work in more fields to serve more people. True education which enriches one not only academically but also morally and spiritually will eventually guide all of us on the right path where it will no more be a question of me and I but us. This feeling of oneness mingled with the spirit and passion to provide a sound educational base to our children can never fail to give a foundation to our children which we all so desperately need.

Students' Oxygen movement view


Wednesday, 14 September 2011


September 9,2011 was the date.....New York was the venue and talk of the town was terror attacks in Twin Towers WORLD TRADE CENTER. It was a terror attack by the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, mastermind by the slain Osama Bin Laden. Though America was attacked, it sent shivers throughout the world. Thousands of innocent people lost their lives, many severely bruised and rest were left physically handicapped and mentally traumatized. It is said that we are the world. But the question is why there is so much hatred? What is the need for this barbaric bloodshed? Nobody is the winner, but we all are the losers as well as sinners. Because we belong to that human community amongst whom few rowdy miscreants in the mask of terrorists commit such heinous crimes. They spread terror in the hearts of people. It is extreme cruelty.We should spread the message that we all are brothers, indifferent from others, where few have chosen the wrong path. Message of peace and love has to be spread across the whole of humanity and mankind.We all live in our Mother Earth, but She is weeping at the moment because of immoral acts like terror attacks and blasts. For achieving selfish targets her sons are using arms and bombs which is not just. When the spiritual message of peace would be spread, it would be much brighter than tomorrow so that there could be no place sorrow. Please make a little space, make a better place, heal the world, make it a better place for you and for me and for the entire human race.

Students' Oxygen movement view


Friday, 9 September 2011

Teachers’ the greatest inspiration of our life

Guru, idol, leader, mentor, adarsh, margdarshak - to state in one word “ TEACHER” is that person who shapes and also gives direction of life to the student. Teacher’s Day is celebrated worldwide on 5th September, on the eve of birth anniversary ofour former president and renowned teacher Dr.S. Radhakrishnan. This day is celebrated as a mark of respect and also to pay homage and tribute to our dear teachers. A teacher is that person in front of whom his pupil sheds all his inhibitions and molds his character in a better manner. It is a universal fact that nobody can take the place of parents and teachers in one’s life. School has always been the second home for a student. It is that place where he spends quality time amongst his friends and teachers. Teacher’s act as pillars of success in the life of a student.Our Gurus impart to us the real knowledge of life. The lessons that they inculcate in us are the chapters of discipline, truth, patience, brotherhood, equality and love for the whole of humanity and mankind. Teachers are also our very good friends. With them we can share our joys and sorrows and experiences. They are the ones who give us encouragement which acts as a booster. Teachers are the role models who play their responsible role of a guide very patiently with great vigor and zest. Students should always follow the path of their elders especially parents and teachers. Sometimes we refer to our parents and teachers as GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, which is very correct.It is very rightly said that teachers are the pioneers who help in the construction of foundation of an individual. To conclude it has to be mentioned that there is every valid and just reason to celebrate teachers day so as to glorify the importance of teachers in our life.

Students' Oxygen movement view


Friday, 2 September 2011

Spirit of Festivities surround humanity

It is the eighth month of the year. A very pious month not only for our Muslim brothers and sisters but for all mankind. Eid is celebrated all over the globe with great zest and enthusiasm. after keeping a month long fast and observing the moon sight, with full positive spirit and zealousness, Eid is celebrated very happily the next day world wide.
This festive occasion is marked with goodwill, true spirit, compassionate, compatibility and love for whole of the humanity and mankind. It gives us the golden opportunity of meeting people, also our community members providing the chance to interact and build new relationship and revive old contacts not only with near and dear one but also within our neighborhood and far of places.
This communication provides a medium to be updated about our cultural thoughts and also garner knowledge about the history of our Indian society which is highly respected worldwide.
Eid is one such festival which stands for national integration and harmony. It removes all barriers and division between people. It also gives an opportunity to mingle and know each other deeply beyond all boundary which is really a source of ultimate happiness.
We are privileged to be a part of such a flourished nation which gets the chance to celebrate all the major festivals prevalent all over the world. This religious richness is unique and we are millionaire in this respect.
To conclude one point should be stated festivals and celebration are such occasions which provides a winning chance for everybody to revive relationships, establish networks and cherish the heritage of one’s respective nation- WE ARE THE WORLD.
Students' Oxygen movement view