Wednesday, 14 September 2011


September 9,2011 was the date.....New York was the venue and talk of the town was terror attacks in Twin Towers WORLD TRADE CENTER. It was a terror attack by the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, mastermind by the slain Osama Bin Laden. Though America was attacked, it sent shivers throughout the world. Thousands of innocent people lost their lives, many severely bruised and rest were left physically handicapped and mentally traumatized. It is said that we are the world. But the question is why there is so much hatred? What is the need for this barbaric bloodshed? Nobody is the winner, but we all are the losers as well as sinners. Because we belong to that human community amongst whom few rowdy miscreants in the mask of terrorists commit such heinous crimes. They spread terror in the hearts of people. It is extreme cruelty.We should spread the message that we all are brothers, indifferent from others, where few have chosen the wrong path. Message of peace and love has to be spread across the whole of humanity and mankind.We all live in our Mother Earth, but She is weeping at the moment because of immoral acts like terror attacks and blasts. For achieving selfish targets her sons are using arms and bombs which is not just. When the spiritual message of peace would be spread, it would be much brighter than tomorrow so that there could be no place sorrow. Please make a little space, make a better place, heal the world, make it a better place for you and for me and for the entire human race.

Students' Oxygen movement view


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