Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Bakrid - The Festival Of Sacrifice

In our human society, we are very sensitive about our views and sentiments in context of religion and culture. Each and every community gives due respect to their respective religion. The month of karthik is considered to be very pious for Hindus. And during this period the feast of sacrifice also known as Bakrid is celebrated amongst the Muslims on the 10th day of DHUL-HIJJA.
It is the sacrifice made by the pilgrims and performed as part of the great pilgrimage. While the pilgrims make their sacrifices at MINA, the ceremony is observed simultaneously by Muslims everywhere. It is being prescribed in the holy QURAN.
The slaughter of animals for food for the poor which is one of the ceremonies of the Muslim is not a propitiatory sacrifice, but is in commemoration of the sacrifice of Abraham which marked the end of human sacrifices for the Semitic race, and which made it clear that only sacrifice which God requires iof man is the surrender of his will and purpose.
The sacrifice offered on the day of Eid-Ul- Adha has been instituted in commemoration of Abraham’s willingness to offer up his only son Ishmael. The sacrificial offering is divided into three portions, one being set apart for household consumption, another for friends and relatives and the third for the poor and needy. The distribution of the offering enjoined by the holy law is designed to provide a substantial meal to the poor on this festive occasion.
The animal sacrifice can be offered on the first day of the festival or any time after till the afternoon of the third day following it. For four days on this occasion i.e from the morning of the ninth to the afternoon prayer of the 14th of Dhul-Hijja, special praise and glory to God is recited after every prayer.
The festival of Bakrid teaches us the noble lesson of being selfless and it also prepares one for service and charity to the community and for the whole mankind. Basically the offering of sacrifice teaches us to be humble, kind and eager to serve the humanity which is created by the Almighty. We must also give up the bad thoughts and habits to purify our soul and to serve the purpose for which we are descended to this earth. This will definitely make our world a better place to live .
Students' Oxygen movement

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