Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Don’t treat teachers as labourers!

Since ancient times, schools have beared the image of gurukuls and teachers have been idolized as gurus. But today’s picture has drastically been changed. There has been a commercialization of education. The bond between students and teachers is not as strong as it was in yesteryears.
The recent statement by the education minister of Bihar Government signifies the same. He has warned the Headmasters of the school that if the children are absent and their attendance remains below 75% their salary will be deducted. This statement itself shows what respect and honor we give to our teaching fraternity who were once considered as near to God. They are not our slaves and bonded laborers. If they show any kind of irresponsibility and disinterest in their duties they must be motivated to perform in the decent way. Indecent language and behavior will not improve the situation. Instead we must ensure the following condition in schools to improve the attendance:
1) Well educated teachers should be employed in schools.
2) Basic facilities be available in school.
3) Technical facilities & computer application is a must.
4) Provision of sports & extra co-curricular activities should be present.
5) No physical punishment should be given to the students.
6) A committee should be set up for training & guiding the teachers.
7) The wards of teachers & staff should be admitted in the Govt. schools.
8) Healthy & hygienic food should be made available to the students.
9) Teachers should not be given any Govt. duties other than their teaching.
10) Specific salary & other facilities be made available to the teachers.
By following all these rules, schools can ideally be considered as home away from home.
Students' Oxygen movement view

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ROHIT A.N.COLLEGE-Education is one of the greatest services provided by teachers. It is vital for anything. The role played by teachers becomes a very important component and in fact it can be said that they are in way our nation builders.