Friday, 24 February 2012

Science: Good master, Bad servant

Humans explore, examine and experiment. This urge to know more has led to the formation of a field called science which is everywhere around us. We cannot live without the aid of science in this age of technology. It can amuse and fascinate us all. It has change the face of the world. It has, of course, given many things that benefits but it has also showered many evils upon us. As every coin has two sides, science has bestowed us with development and has also brandished us with destruction.
It is said that science is a good servant but a bad master. A person who makes use of science in correct manner gets its advantage & who misuses it suffers for that. The things around us, from smaller to bigger, are the advantages of science. Human effort has been tremendously reduced due to it. Science has made or life luxurious. It has improved our sixth sense or forecasting abilities as one can now predict a tsunami or an earthquake to occur. It has so much engulfed our lives that nothing can take place in our day to day work without the aid of science. From tiny atoms and molecules to distilled water, it has helped mankind to understand nature. People can now be cured of deadly diseases. It has truly improved our way of living.
Misuse of technology is considered as the major disadvantage of science. Most of the scientific inventions are dangerous to human society in the long run. Science has led to the creation of nuclear energy. Can any one say that the issue of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will never be repeated? We need electricity to enjoy a number of scientific inventions. For producing electricity, we have to depend on natural resources so we are excessively utilizing those resources without thinking about our future generations. Can we ever forget about the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, the painful memory of which still haunts us. Man has become entirely dependent on machines. A day may come when his physical and mental faculties may grow so weak that he may not be able to lift a bag or solve a simple equation. It has given drugs like smack and heroin.
Too much is too bad. Science will be a boon if we take it in sufficient & limited way and most importantly in the right direction, otherwise it will become bane. If everyone follows the proverb “ BE GOOD AND DO GOOD” science will be our friend forever.

Students' Oxygen movement view

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