Thursday 29 January, 2009

Serving the purpose of ‘Republic’

In the year 1950, this great nation became a sovereign republic. Republic or a system of people. The whole idea behind the adoption of a republican system was to ensure the participation of all people in governance and that in turn would be in accordance with the interest of the majority.In a joint family, its members have different needs and temperament. It is the responsibility of the head of the family to see that at least the basic requirements of all are fulfilled and they also get a chance to present their views and ideas regarding various issues. The head also needs to check that the work of one member does not cause hindrance in the path of success of others. The same is exactly the case with our republican system. Its head, namely the government has to see that no section is neglected. At present, the distribution of resources is so uneven that ninety-five percent of the total resources of our country in the hands of just five percent people and on the other hand the remaining ninety-five percent of the population struggles to get its share from mere five percent resources.It's the moral and official duty of the government to ensure proper allocation of funds in various fields and work on priority basis. It also needs to involve the populace in decision-making. We certainly don’t appreciate a republic without the very thought of involvement of the public. The arrow shot can not be brought back , but we indeed can ascertain that our next arrow hits the target well. So, lets hope that in the coming years this nation serves the purpose of being a republic.
Oxygen... a movement view

Only little is required...

The more the merrier is a proverb that sounds perfectly fine. A given piece of task can successfully be completed in a short duration if more people are there to do it. The work can be done more efficiently if the persons executing it are skillful. On the contrary, if the people act shrewdly then it can prove disastrous for others. Each one adds a drop to make the mighty ocean. If everyone works honestly then there would be no problem around us.The same is the case with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of any country. All the citizens of a country work to increase the GDP which is the index of economic progress. The same GDP can see a crash just due to mean actions of a few individuals. Education aims at making the individual dextrous. Skillful people can make a great difference in the productivity. But the same knowledge and skill can be used to manipulate things that can prove fatal. Knowledge without benefit to others is just like a book that is kept on the shelf and has never been read. Knowledge without application will soon rust but this certainly does not mean that knowledge should be used for evil purpose.Education can either bring out the best in the child or completely spoil a child’s life. The educational institutes should the quality of education that they are imparting. Moral education should be given an equal importance as vocational training. Education is power but this power must not be misutilized. Its easy to rise but its even easier to fall. Only a little is required on our part. We need not do herculean tasks, small efforts will cumulate to give big results. In order to get immediate gains, we should not adopt wrong ways. Good things are not achieved easily and what is easily-got is not good.
Oxygen... a movement view

Curing the Diseased Systems

In a society there are a number of things that act as controls for the smooth functioning of the social set-up. There are also institutions that frame the rules and regulations, maintain law and order. and provide remedy to various problems. Prime institutions of such type are schools, college, parliament and the police department. In addition to framing of laws there are other bodies that are houses from which remedy or treatment to our problems and query is expected. If you are sick then you seek the advise of a doctor but what if the doctor himself is sick . This is absolutely the case with our various systems. These systems came into existence to provide relief and remedy to the persisting problems but in due course themselves diseased. The present condition is indeed deplorable. Temples of justice- the courts have become an open market where judgement is sold, schools that ought to be learning centre has turned into business houses. most of our systems have deceased virtually and are there just for the name -sake. If the well itself is empty then how will it quench the thirst of those who suffering from scorching heat. What can be done in such a situation? A major role can be played by the young generations that can bring about drastic change by being the change themselves. Youth should be responsive and should question various authorities on different issues. Where there is a problem, there is a remedy too, the only thing is that we need to keep awakened. Our systems are literally dying and their existence is just for name-sake. Physical existence with a defunct machinery makes no sense, so we need to gear up and take the charge of repairing and curing the essential and paramount systems of our democratic nation for the healthy survival of all.
Oxygen... a movement view

Sunday 25 January, 2009

Our promise & your co-operation

India is democratic nation of a billion plus people. In a democracy, the citizens exercise their right to choose their representatives through elections. Elections provides an opportunity to make a government of our choice. Political leaders are the pillars of our government system and the public lay their valuable trust in them by electing them as their representatives.Any person needs only a few basic things to lead a dignified life. If the people co-operate with government and the government also works in the interest of the people then this nation is sure to progress. People who are not in the government can certainly intervene in it by questioning them it on various issues. A machine gives it best output when all its parts work in perfect synchronization. Similarly, our system will work smoothly only when all its constituent work in agreement with each other.A luxurious life is not what one needs, there are very basic requirements that are needed. The promise of the public to work honestly and the cooperation of the government to avail the following three amenities can make a happy nation.(1) People can promise to consume a balanced diet but in turn the state needs to see that at least the common food items are available at a reasonable rate. This can be achieved through an effective public distribution system. Millions of mouth can be fed satisfactorily the public distribution system is sound. (2) Children can assure that they go to school and work for in the direction to achieve academic and moral excellence and excellence. This can be ensured only when the state avails them schools in abundant number where children can get quality education. Schools are centres of learning. The provision for schools should be such that all the children can accommodated. Schools are the right place where children get exposed to new ideas and are given a platform to expand their creativity. Its said that a strong building requires a strong foundation, so does it go for children. Children too need a strong foundation on which they can carve their own destiny. (3) People can make an earnest effort to remain healthy but the government should provide a good health-care system for this. This will ensure a good national health. There should be at least one health centre in each area so that people need not go to distant places for the treatment of common and simple ailments. People should not suffer due to dearth of medicines or treatment. good health is the pre-requisite for all other development in an individual’s life.If the state assures the above three things then the citizens of this vast nation will not worry for their next meal and their health problems. A free mind is necessary for experimenting new things, on the contrary a mind burdened with numerous problems has limited power of imagination. Thus, the co-operation of the government and the people is essential for our nation’s progress.
Oxygen... a movement view

Monday 12 January, 2009

A new beginning

The clock will strike, twelve and the dawn of a new year will come unfolding new things for each one of us. New year is not mere the beginning of a new calender year but the commencement of various activities round the globe.If we co-relate this with the then persisting weather conditions, we find that it is in absolute harmony with the new beginning. The flowers start blooming , the trees bear lovely shades and the sweet fragrance fills us with freshness. And this happens after a tough winter-time. All these act as a booster that catalyzes our activities. We generally start a year with resolutions but the point is not in making resolutions but to improve ourselves with each passing day. It's important to note that how can we discard bad habits and gradually replace them with good ones as they will cumulatively result in good character.Future is uncertain and unknown but our actions our under our control and its we who will direct our wills and actions to the right tract. Today, not only our nation but the entire world is facing the numerous problems which need to be solved as an urgency. The solutions are present as there is no problem without a solution, the need is to look for it. The past year may have left sweet-and-sour memories for us but lets not regret for anything rather determine to achieve what we want to achieve in life. Life is a pot-pouri of sorrow and happiness but its wise to extract maximum from whatsoever is available to us and live each moment to the fullest. Living with satisfaction is an and lets learn this art to live life to the fullest. And if however things have not turned out well then there is nothing to be disheartened. Its better to rectify our deeds rather than repenting. Things will seem better if possess an optimistic attitude towards life. One should never depart with hope as this is the factor that persuades us to move on.
Oxygen... a movement view