Friday, 18 May 2007


Holistic state is a condition in which an individual is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually well. A country can be in holistic state only when its states, finance, management etc .is in good condition, that is, a country with a better literacy rate, employment oriented education system and ample employment opportunity. India is facing numerous problem - illiteracy, unemployment, poverty and deteriorated education system. Until and unless these problems are solved , India can’t achieve the mark of developed country. Each problem can be solved by imparting quality education to the masses. But the question is- Shall we be able to give quality education to the children when education is so expensive and the economic condition is so low?
A book is a bag of knowledge but changing the book sets every year with some modification, it is not only costing the pockets of parents but also our state and environment. Lakhs of books are published for each academic session with little modification and parents are forced to buy those books. It means crores of rupees and thousands of trees are going in waste every year. If students are allowed to use old books for at least two years, by receiving from up going students and giving to their followers as gift, we can save crores of rupees as well as teach them a moral lesson.We do understand the personal problems of students. Problems could be:- a sense of personal belonging may not come , the condition of books can be disturbing, useless pencil/pen marks on them, workbooks can’t be exchanged, modification in content material is excluded and some students may feel a sense of inferiority complex but each problem can be solved if we have to make a better society. Students will have to be little careful, that is, try to use your books as holy books, preserve your books for your followers, mark with pencil if necessary, inculcate a habit of keeping your study material neat and get photo copied all additional topics in your new syllabus.
We urge to the educational community to think about it so that it may be implemented soon. We want a educational reform through old books, which is going to save crores of rupees and thousands of trees. Since our aim is to make education the biggest issue, we try to make the people aware about the obstacles in the journey of making education the biggest issue. Ignorance of educational community in this regard has made education a luxary, not a need and book sharing can be one of the most important step in bringing educational reform. Oxygen... a movement view


Anonymous said...

Yes it Can

Anonymous said...

So Read always old Books

Anonymous said...

Yes repeating the same course books for the next session will save money and trees. The govt. should also introduce free and compulsory education for all.We hope to see good results in this field...