Non-violence is the instrument for the strong, for the ones who have mastered the art of love, self-control and are pure from within. It is far easy to become violent with the crowd; just a flex of muscles and external energy with negative vibes required. But non-violence requires a lot more than that- the mind, body and soul alike. It is possible to be non-violent only when your inner fight, the fight between mind and heart, logic and feelings and the conscience and the superficial level, is resolved. When one is at friendly terms with one's external and internal system, then only can one move on to the next step, the one that follows non-violence- Love. But it brings us back to the same step before non-violence- Love; as it is a cyclic process. Only when one can love himself can he use the tool of non-violence for the others. The universe exists on the foundation of love' it is omnipresent, just like the unseen, the Almighty. Where there is love, there is the Creator and it's Creations. This can be subdued, buried deep and erased when our love flows everywhere just as there is no place for darkness when there is light. But, today, the opposite is what happens. Hatred increases every moment in the absence of love. We are getting weaker day by day. As we can't experience love, we don't move on to non-violence; no purification of the soul and no self-control. We indulge in violence that follows hatred prevalent in the present times. Non-violence not only eliminates violence but also the violence within. The struggle for success should not accompany hatred as it would only intensify its degree in the world. To cut off this chain, we have to project the ethics of love at the centre of our lives. When there is affection and teamwork in place of cut-throat competition, the results will be fruitful and more rewarding. Let us strive to make a society, an education system and our parenting full of love, so that the future witnesses well groomed humans with a non-violent outlook.
Students' Oxygen movement view