Wednesday, 25 February 2009

"I Want to Take Tests in Sports, Music and Social Activities As Well"

Education means an overall development of an individual. We want such a system where we all are comfortable with our studies and don't merely take it as a burden. We would love to take tests for subjects like math, English, etc. with the right kind of counseling. Further we'd love to explore the different fields of learning such as sports, music and social activities. A balanced growth is very important for an individual and for this, we need to accomplish in more fields such as music, art, language and test ourselves. For instance, discipline in life can be brought when we involve ourselves in games and play fair. Our self-confidence and morale boosts up when we are exposed to the masses or indulge in social activities. We have placed co-curricular activities at a lower level and only the books get primary importance. But these fields of learning which are so called extra curricular activities form the very core of education. Knowledge in these fields and their assessment is important for the nourishment of one's character. These activities are very important and inclusion of these and their official examination would surely help bring a radical change in the society. A revamp in the exam patterns is necessary so that we can realize our dream of taking tests in all these fields- music, sports and social activities, a reality!
Oxygen... a movement view


Unknown said...

The true meaning of education is to able a child to stand on his/her feet and to earn their own bread and butter but today it fails to do so as today it is only based on theortica studies and do not concerns of practical studies when it will start doing so then only it will achieve the true meaning of education

Unknown said...

Our education system has become monotonous which is only based on rote learning.Due weightage has not been given to extra-curricular activities which is hampering the overall development of a child.It is imperative for the governments to make extra-curricular activities must in schools by taking tests and marking them accordingly in a child's report card.