Monday, 31 January 2011

Life is incomplete and meaningless without the right education

Education plays a very crucial role in our development. We can’t say our life is complete if it is deprived of education. Education is not mere acquiring the capability of how to read or write and have bookish knowledge but it goes further beyond this and touches every aspects of our life.Humans are the most evolved and successful race in all the living beings in our planet. This is not by virtue of their physical strength we know that this is not true. There are many animals who are more capable than us. It's the brain of human beings and its capability to explore and reason things has made it the supreme in this planet. This capacity increases with the proper education. The human brain is the most evolved and powerful we don’t even utilize 10% of its capacity. We can use this important organ in a more constructive and useful way by grooming it with the right education.The culture, prosperity and chracter of any nation is dependent on the quality of education its citizen possesses. there is no argument that the education system of ancient India was one of the best in all of the civilization till date. Student used to live as family member with his guru till his education got completed. They used to acquire knowledge in every aspects of like be it science, medicine, administration, politics, weapons, yoga, spirituality and moral and ethical values. By virtue of this they used to face life in a better way with the view of the welfare of the society.Our modern education system is just the extension of the Britishers and we are still their slave by following the same system which they had imposed on us to groom talents which can serve them and help their dynasty to flourish and function properly. We still consider education as a tool of getting employment whether its Government, Public or private. This was the main reason of British empire to sustain so long because they made our education system to function according to their need and interest. We should make our education system good enough so that we can understand the true meaning of life and behave accordingly. For this we have to implement and borrow some of the contents of our ancient education system which had got the impetus of values, spirituality and humanity. This will help us to ensure our overall development so that we will not just run after the money and think our self worthy and successful by achieving materialistic things.
Students' Oxygen movement view

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