Monday, 31 January 2011

True education only can establish equality among people

Modern schooling has become a commercial activity. Students go to the school with a single view that they have to become successful in career and earn handsome money. We see lots of public school mushrooming in cities and villages. This is so because the government machinery for education has failed and people do not rely on them. Only few govt. schools are performing but they are insufficient to bridge the gap of quality education. In this commercialized world it is very difficult to look for the values and morality in education. In fact we hardly have concern for these things.This failure is not due to schools only but the values and morality are rapidly being lost from our society itself. We as a father and mother are not inculcating these thing in our kids. We can’t expect our children to be Harishchandra if we often tell lies and make excuses. In simple words we have to be the role model for our kids then only we can expect them to behave accordingly.Even in modern era of commercial world we cannot discard the importance of guru or teachers in our lives. Its not possible to acquire knowledge without a guru. Hence his presence is very essential for oneself. He is the person which make or ruin our life. But a true guru never inculcate wrong ideas or feelings in his shishya.We are celebrating the birthday of Guru Nanakdev jee as guruparv prakashutsava. It's the duty of guru to lead his followers to the light of wisdom from the darkness of ignorance. The human life is priceless and only true knowledge can show us way how to utilize it fully and get maximum out of it. Nanak jee not only spread the message of love and harmony but also demolished the caste system which creates hatred and differentiate between people. For him each one of us are equal and sons of god and must be given equal rights.Now we have schools for rich and poor and the division starts from the very beginning itself. This has to be removed and we have to look for an uniform education system. This is the biggest challenge of modern society . The quality of education and teaching must be more or less similar and the bridge has to be narrowed for the betterment of our own society and life of the new generation.The responsibility lies on every one and its not the responsibility of the teachers alone. The family, society and teachers has to play the vital role in shaping the character of their children and in result their country.
Students' Oxygen movement view

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