Friday, 25 February 2011

Education is required to have success

Everybody has a desire to succeed in his respective area. The wordSuccess is not so easy to achieve. Have we ever realized what are themain reasons which make us successful or gives failure in our lives? There are certain golden rules by which you can improve your chances of success on keeping them. The most important thing to be successful is to have a well definedgoal or objective which we want to achieve. Then we have to formulatethe plan and make strategies to execute them. There will be the moments inthe way which will demotivate you or you might loose hope andget depressed and sometimes even decide to give up. Even things are not working according to your wish. But the real education gives you the courage and make you capable to overcome these obstacles. A child is curious by nature. He wants to know everything which he observes and feel in his surroundings. A good teacher and parents encourage these habits of the child by trying to satisfy his quest with suitable answer. A goodteacher must step into the shoes of his student and try to seek the answer of those questions which are not known to him. Hence the quest for knowledge should be from the both ends. A child must be free from fear and prejudices and must acquire knowledge in a conducive environment suitable for his studies.This environment is not available in many of our schools. Every school going child in our country must be given propr infrastructure like buildings, playground, sanitation, airy and spacious classrooms with pure and safe drinking water.Apart from these basic facilities there should be good and quality teachers available who can impart quality education to him. There must not be the system which ensures these facilities to the people who can afford or buy to avail these facilities. A system in which even the under privileged people can easily have access to these facilities and empower themselves with the knowledge given to them in their school. So that each one of the society can be given their chance to grow and succeed in life.The foundation for successful life begins at school itself where children understand the purpose and meaning and develop quality and skills to achieve them.
Students' Oxygen movement view

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