Friday, 29 April 2011

Fortune helps those who help themselves

We often make responsible to our stars for the outcomes in our lives. If things are favorable and according to our wish we thanks our fortune and luck but we don't leave any opportunity to curse it if things are not according to our expectation. It's a very old and famous saying that fortune favors the brave. Our luck helps us if we do things honestly. Or in simple words we can say that our fortune is the opposite reaction or reflection of our deeds alone. It is very well defined by Lord Krishna in his preaching of 'Geeta.' We reap what we sow is the ultimate truth of life.
The true education recommends us that we must rely on our deeds instead of fortune alone. Our efforts are our sole responsibility which is within our control. We cannot predict the outcome but God is kind enough to give according to your work and dedication.
We adopt lots of bad habits just for mere lust of power and money and to satisfy our greed. We loose our vision and lessons taught to us and become slaves of our desires. Instead of short interest we must focus on the long term profit and in the larger interest which include people around us and society as a whole.
There are numerous topper every year which come out of the institutions like schools, colleges and various other institutes. We proudly display their names on the boards and in newspapers. Have the institution ever tried to find out what these toppers have done for society apart from their professional interest? They will be ashamed if they micro inspects their work even in their professional life which will be full of unethical and corrupt practices.
This will be enough to erase their names from their institution boards. This is not who are illiterate are more dangerous for the society it is the so called elite and educated people on the higher post are doing more harm to the society by misusing their post for their personal gain. They have forgotten all their lessons and ethics told to them at school. But they have to remember that one day they will have to pay for their deeds in this very life.
Students' Oxygen movement view

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