Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Transparency in coaching arena is mandatory in the interest of the children

Today the coaching Institute has become a second school for majority of the students. It has become a common site where students visit coaching institutes once they get back from their school. It has emerged as a new trend in the society. Parents also promote their kids to go there just to have an edge over others in this cut throat competitive world. This concept is inculcated among parents as well as children that they are missing as well as lacking something if they aren’t a part of the coaching classes.The scenario of competitive examinations is even more spread out and highly commercialized. It has become a business and hardly has to do with the benefit of the students. Each coaching institute in order to have a professional mileage over their rivals publish fake and exaggerated list of successful candidates and lure people to take admission in order to book berth in prestigious medical or engineering college.Students in order to have success fell prey to these institutes but hardly get desired and satisfied results. This commercialization has to be checked. It has become mandatory to have registration of these institutions by certain law to put a check on this mushrooming business.Now we are seeing the concepts of Super series like Super 30, Super 40 etc, in which few coaching people claim to achieve 100% success by guiding students to crack prestigious IIT entrance examination without charging any money from them. They claim that they are doing social service since these students are from low income group and socially backward class.students Oxygen Movement held Baccho ki Adalat and asked these coaching institutes to reveal the list of students with their name and full information so that transparency can be installed in the coaching world to prevent students to fell prey to people who behave unethically and their main objective is to extract maximum profit without giving a second thought to the child’s future. Children assembled in front of the SK Puri Children park and asked few question via the coaching wizard “Anand Sir” who has gained lots of applauds for Bihar as well as himself via his concept of super 30 in which he claims to train underprivileged 30 students and make them able to qualify in IIT-JEE entrance examination.We got partial success in our mission when few coaching institutes took initiative and published the list of those students who are expected to crack IIT -JEE this year. This we are doing to have transparency in this field so that the child cannotnot be misused and be part of the marketing gimmick. Children took pledge to hold Baccho ki adalat until all their questions are answered so that they can save the future of kids who are the future of tomorrow.

Students' Oxygen movement view


The constructive and non violent way of Protest is still the best

The incident we witnessed in the past five days reminded us of the freedom struggle. Anna Hazare the Gandhi of modern era showed what we have listen or read in the history itself. The whole nation stood behind him and showed there anguish against the corruption which has become a phenomenon and eating up our country day by day. The so called privileged and powerful people has made mockery of the whole system and misusing there position just to fulfill there unending lust for money on the cost of poor and underprivileged as if they have got the license to loot the public money.We fought the British for swaraj so that we can make our own policy and decide our fate so that we all can be get rid of poverty, illiteracy and lead a decent life free of fear and partiality. But this vision of our ancestral who won freedom for us by giving sacrifice of there everything so that the new generation can see the world which were a distant dream for them.But the biggest question is have we accomplished our goals what we have planned before the independence. The answer is a big ‘NO’ since nearly 70% of the people in at present are leading life below the poverty line. There basic achievement and challenge is to earn the bread to prevent them from starving. The main cause of this condition is the corruption which is choking down the plans and funds for there upliftment and loot of the money by the so called politician and official to satisfy there unending lust. We are in anger and try to demolish this system but a campaign and awareness is lacking. Now comes Anna Hazare the modern Gandhi with a strong resolution to fight this evil and people supported him like any thing and showed there concern and anguish on this issue.The weapon he chose was the old and tested by our Bapu itself , the way of constructive protest like community fast and it had the miraculous impact even in this violent and weapon era.They people on the fast made the politician literary run from the arena at the Jantar- Mantar who wanted to take the unwanted political mileage of this issue showed that the commoner no longer have any faith left in them and at what extent we hate them. The one thing which emerges victorious is the sensible youth who wants to change the rotten system.We at the students oxygen movement firmly believe and practicing the nonviolent and constructive way of protest. We are fighting against Asiksha and kushiksha as well. The present education system as well as our society is not encouraging people to lead honest life. Everything is commercialized and a child is witnessing it since his childhood. He developed a common notion that he has to simply earn money since it can only give him happiness and prestige in life. But this has reiterated our belief in consistent and constructive way of protest.

Students' Oxygen movement view


Dream Big To Realize Your Dreams

Open eyes to live your life to the fullest. There are so many forces which put a great impact on the children minds. The role of the parents, teachers and society is immense on the child psyche. Each child is special and has got some inherent quality within him since birth. But it can only take shape if we take proper care of them and let them groom to there fullest capacity.The motive of Students Oxygen Movement is make education the biggest issue. Because we firmly believe that education in its true form can alone solve majority of the problems which can't be dealt independently.Today was the scholarship day. We have a very creative activity in which students are ask to make greeting cards provided to them by painting on them with there imagination to enhance there creativity in return we try to encourage there art by giving them the scholarship money which they utilize for there educational purpose. By this is a child learn to take a small step towards self reliance, to become independent, to be more creative and to give value to hard earned money. This is a small activity which inspires us to be creative and enhance our skills rather than confining to the books alone.Students were assembled to get there rewards of there hard and noble work and also to celebrate India's Victory in the World Cup. Mrs. Anita Singh the principal of the Krishna Niketan School graced the occasion with her presence as a chief guest.Students were thrilled to get there scholarship cheque from her. It was a memorable day in their life. She stressed the importance of right education for our well being and the society. She advised students to realize there dreams and to think and dream big. She cautioned the parents not to put undue pressure on there wards and let them give them the space so that they can grow and do whatever they are best at. There are lots of thing apart from studies alone. Children shared the valuable experience of her and benefitted from it.The discussion was also conducted on this occasion. Students were uni-vocal that due to prejudices prevalent in our society they are not able to choose there career in the area of there interest. There dream also are not cared and nurtured to turn into a reality. The orthodox thinking of the parents society and even school compel them to do which they are not best at. This creates frustration in there future if they fail in these activities and become a mediocre performer.

Students' Oxygen movement view


Life is a beautiful Exam

“Life is a beautiful exam“yes, it truly is. Life, throughout is an exam, the one in true sense- it patiently teaches us without making, judging and without any prejudice. It teaches us not to make mistakes, but to learn from our mistakes, not to fall, but to rise after every fall, not to sleep, but miles to go before one sleeps, not just shine, but to rise and shine, not just grow, but to learn, play and grow and not just survive but to live life the fullest. From the day we are born, the process of growing, learning and testing starts, which is undertaken by the greatest teacher and also the greatest examiner- life itself. What life as a teacher most importantly teaches us is living and not merely surviving; what it tests is our art of living.But, what is life? It is us, our surroundings, nature, family, friends, school, society and every thing and person, big and small, which we experience through out our journey as a human. Life encompasses all spheres of our being, and our interactions with the world is where it throws at us at every step a challenge to accept, a lesson to learn and a test to take. But what if the institutions of life are defunct? And what if all the more, they do not exist? What then? Simple answer for this is that life will not be as it ought to be, in either conditions and that means we won't be living but merely surviving. Nature, society, family and school, all institutions contributes to what our life becomes, and we will learn our lesson only when we are nurtured by these institutions as unique individuals with our own pace and time. And then life will always be a beautiful exam, asking from us what it has instilled in us with perseverance, patience and time, and we surely will pass every test with flying colors. Whether or not our life is as it ought to be and whether we are surviving or living, it is for you to answer.

Students' Oxygen movement view
