Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Dream Big To Realize Your Dreams

Open eyes to live your life to the fullest. There are so many forces which put a great impact on the children minds. The role of the parents, teachers and society is immense on the child psyche. Each child is special and has got some inherent quality within him since birth. But it can only take shape if we take proper care of them and let them groom to there fullest capacity.The motive of Students Oxygen Movement is make education the biggest issue. Because we firmly believe that education in its true form can alone solve majority of the problems which can't be dealt independently.Today was the scholarship day. We have a very creative activity in which students are ask to make greeting cards provided to them by painting on them with there imagination to enhance there creativity in return we try to encourage there art by giving them the scholarship money which they utilize for there educational purpose. By this is a child learn to take a small step towards self reliance, to become independent, to be more creative and to give value to hard earned money. This is a small activity which inspires us to be creative and enhance our skills rather than confining to the books alone.Students were assembled to get there rewards of there hard and noble work and also to celebrate India's Victory in the World Cup. Mrs. Anita Singh the principal of the Krishna Niketan School graced the occasion with her presence as a chief guest.Students were thrilled to get there scholarship cheque from her. It was a memorable day in their life. She stressed the importance of right education for our well being and the society. She advised students to realize there dreams and to think and dream big. She cautioned the parents not to put undue pressure on there wards and let them give them the space so that they can grow and do whatever they are best at. There are lots of thing apart from studies alone. Children shared the valuable experience of her and benefitted from it.The discussion was also conducted on this occasion. Students were uni-vocal that due to prejudices prevalent in our society they are not able to choose there career in the area of there interest. There dream also are not cared and nurtured to turn into a reality. The orthodox thinking of the parents society and even school compel them to do which they are not best at. This creates frustration in there future if they fail in these activities and become a mediocre performer.

Students' Oxygen movement view


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