Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Life is a beautiful Exam

“Life is a beautiful exam“yes, it truly is. Life, throughout is an exam, the one in true sense- it patiently teaches us without making, judging and without any prejudice. It teaches us not to make mistakes, but to learn from our mistakes, not to fall, but to rise after every fall, not to sleep, but miles to go before one sleeps, not just shine, but to rise and shine, not just grow, but to learn, play and grow and not just survive but to live life the fullest. From the day we are born, the process of growing, learning and testing starts, which is undertaken by the greatest teacher and also the greatest examiner- life itself. What life as a teacher most importantly teaches us is living and not merely surviving; what it tests is our art of living.But, what is life? It is us, our surroundings, nature, family, friends, school, society and every thing and person, big and small, which we experience through out our journey as a human. Life encompasses all spheres of our being, and our interactions with the world is where it throws at us at every step a challenge to accept, a lesson to learn and a test to take. But what if the institutions of life are defunct? And what if all the more, they do not exist? What then? Simple answer for this is that life will not be as it ought to be, in either conditions and that means we won't be living but merely surviving. Nature, society, family and school, all institutions contributes to what our life becomes, and we will learn our lesson only when we are nurtured by these institutions as unique individuals with our own pace and time. And then life will always be a beautiful exam, asking from us what it has instilled in us with perseverance, patience and time, and we surely will pass every test with flying colors. Whether or not our life is as it ought to be and whether we are surviving or living, it is for you to answer.

Students' Oxygen movement view


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