Wednesday 26 December, 2007

Teachers Will Take us To New Heights

When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His world
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery.
Why God created teachers,
In His wisdom and His grace,
Was to help us learn to make our world
A better, wiser place.
-By Kevin William Huff
This poems clearly describes the importance of teachers and why they are. Teachers have always played an important role in the society. Though the future of a nation depends on the children of that particular nation, the responsibility of shaping those children’s lives rests upon the teachers. We need to pay adequate respect and gratitude towards or teachers so as to have a better world. We need to re-establish a healthy student-teacher relationship.
Our teachers are as role models and so the students too generally idolize their teachers. Thus, we expect from them that they will set up good examples for the students to follow and better paths for the students to walk on. This teachers’ day, we all must look forward to pledge that we all, students, teachers and other society members will stand up together against the evil things prevailing in the society and root them all out through the panacea of all diseases, Education. Furthermore, we must cooperate with the teachers and look forward to make education interesting rather boring. For this we need to have such an education that imbibes in us all the qualities through different activities.
Oxygen … a movement View


Auspicious said...

very fankly
i doubt whther today, the students idolise their teacher or on the other hand, u have amir khan as the super talented mentor coming into focus. the reason being that values have lost importnce and they r hardly necessary now. which teacher now cares for a student after he or she ha passed out n tries to encourage him. the examples are too few to really talk about. this is abt r society. its all bt money,money n more money.
so how can we judge their expertise?
when everything is sold, it hardly matters whats new n whats old.
the fact is that, teachers have lost their importance in r commercialised world, n so have the respect for them.

Auspicious said...

very fankly
i doubt whther today, the students idolise their teacher or on the other hand, u have amir khan as the super talented mentor coming into focus. the reason being that values have lost importnce and they r hardly necessary now. which teacher now cares for a student after he or she ha passed out n tries to encourage him. the examples are too few to really talk about. this is abt r society. its all bt money,money n more money.
so how can we judge their expertise?
when everything is sold, it hardly matters whats new n whats old.
the fact is that, teachers have lost their importance in r commercialised world, n so have the respect for them.

Anonymous said...

It’s the teacher who lifts a child from the ditches of the failure to the heights of success.
How happy a child feels when the teacher praises him or congratulates him in front of the class? Yes the right attitude of a teacher really helps in the right development of a child. Many great people of the world had a great guiding hand behind them.
Teachers should stop beating, scolding the children and treat them with love and care

Auspicious said...

but then today teachers are also making the entire teaching thing a business. i hardly have teachers who have left indelible impressions in my mind.