Monday, 31 January 2011

You are recognised and appreciated by your character

The character of a person is the most important quality which give him name, fame and wealth. We are recognized and respected due to our character which we possess. The building of character is not a single day or short term affair it's a continuous process and can be groomed by the quality of education, social environment and human behavior in which a person lives or get.The three vital ingredients or base on which a human shape its character are, discipline, honesty and labor (activeness). We can analyze these three factor one by one. First important thing is discipline. It’s human nature that we want freedom and do things on our own will and time. If we do not follow discipline then our life will be like a river without any dam which can be disastrous for others and bring numerous harm as it happen in case of flood. But if we control our negative energy by discipline which gives us control over our senses we can be more productive and useful for others just like a river. We can get water for irrigation, generate electricity or store it in case of low rain or drought.The second important thing is honesty. Honesty is not only the transparency in money matter but it should be present in our work and attitude. The success which we have through dishonest means is short term and not permanent it can give us instant satisfaction but in long term it becomes the major reason of dissatisfaction and distress. We start wealth, love and affection in short we lose many things. On the contrary honesty may bring dissatisfaction in early stage but in due course it becomes the main reason of receipt which is positive. Honesty will always remain the best policy irrespective of any time. It make our life promising and beautiful which can give us peace, happiness and satisfaction. Its difficult but not impossible to lead a honest life.Third most important thing is labor or being active. This is true that only labor alone can’t bring success. Success comes from overall knowledge and development. The fire or innovative idea comes from within which inspire and direct our deeds in right and channelized direction. This inner force motivates and inspire us to reach new avenues for growth and progress day by day. Its your ability which can take you to the top but its only the character which will keep you there for longer period.
Students' Oxygen movement view

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you loose your character you are the most poorer person available.