Friday 18 May, 2007

25th April Community Fast- Establishing peaceful protest

The main reasons behind the 25th April community fast are to protest against the kidnapping of students, prevent them from becoming the soft target for any kind of violence and to make education the biggest issue. However the gist of the entire idea is to promote non-violent ways of protest.
Through the mass community fast we hope of achieving these results but the underlying meaning of this event must be to imbibe the essence of our glorious past into us by adopting the peaceful ways of our great freedom fighters. It is well known and even better observed that a war is no answer to another war and that destructive elements from our society cannot be rooted out with destruction. What we generally observe are the acts of violence in the name of seeking justice but to what extent is it correct? It may or may not bear the results it was intended for but sure brings some suffering to the common man instead of relieving him of the suffering he already bears! So, violent protests are no solution to any of our existing problems instead it creates more problems. Our great leaders of the past understood this. We have seen for ages how mass constructive protests have worked wonders when they reached their pinnacle, using the same principle we would like to bring about another revolution.
This has to be kept in mind that all previous protests by our great leaders could only materialize with the invariable support of the masses hence you are requested to join hands and enable this community event to become a success. This way you would not only re-establish the beliefs of our great leaders of the past but also ensure a safe future for the coming generations.
Oxygen... a movement view

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we need to adopt non-violent and constructive means of Potest. In India when peopl have to protest theyresort to all sorts of destruction, chakka-jans, badhs, road blockages etc.. which simply disruts daily life causing huge economic and social loses.
When we students had to protest fo a revamp in Education system, we went the correct way, we went to school on Sunday demanding from the system that Children should'nt be made soft targets of evils in the society
On 25th April, yet again, in the true spirit of brotherhood, and perseverance we are resorting to Community fast to protest the kidnappings of innocent children