Friday 18 May, 2007


Deep breathing enables us to obtain maximum amount of oxygen from our surroundings. The scientific significance of deep breathing is well known. For a healthy and long life, we must utilize our natural resource to the fullest and thankfully, God has provided us with ample supply of it. It is in our hands to adopt a healthier lifestyle by making minor changes to the way we live and think, thus enriching our lives and hence making the most out of the limited time we have. Good education improves the overall quality of our lives and makes us productive. Knowledge, coupled with morals and a sense of patriotism makes us complete individuals.
It would be great if classes began with a lesson on good breathing and breathing exercises so that students not only become healthier but develop higher concentration and start to focus on their goals. It would not only relieve them of frivolous anxieties but also improve their thinking and reasoning capacities as it has been scientifically proven that breathing exercises in the morning help calm one's mind and anything done with a calm mind produces far better results. If such a simple change in the students' routine can work wonders and improve their performance manifolds, why don't we consider it and see the results for ourselves?
Students invited the President through postcards to intervene in the matter.
Oxygen... a movement view


Anonymous said...

its basis of living more than 100 years.

Anonymous said...

True,deep breathing leads to a long life. But to make it productive, we need good education.