Wednesday 16 July, 2008

Bridging the divide through Education

If we look back to our historical past, we find our society divided into water tight compartments of caste. It started as a mere division of labour but gradually became propaganda to differentiate people from people and it was all done for malicious interests of few groups of individuals.
In the scenario, the very idea of Education went contrary to the kind of belief people were practicing and forcing others to practice. Because Education meant a uniform process of training young minds for future, irrespective of caste background, less than one roof. But rich wanted exclusive schools for their children. Upper Caste didn't want their children to share schools with those belonging to the so called lower castes and untouchables.
And as it as happened in every culture, with a hush-hush and mutual consent of the majority section of the society, gradually developed a culture where there were distinct schools for specific sections of the society. Though law does not permit any such practice but through an automatic play of the cost factor, quality education remains beyond the reach of the majority poor & backward section of the society.
Today’s Education is dividing our society more dangerously and this time the results are going to be uncontrollable and permanent. Children from this deprived lot are growing with a sense of abject deprivation and paucity of opportunities. In their growing resentment they are finding solace in anti-social practices where they can snatch away from the well off. It is not surprising that the cases of juvenile theft, stabbing for loot etc are on a never before rise.
At this stage we don't have many choices what we can do is try bridging this haves and have-nots divide. And Education is the biggest platform to begin with.
Oxygen… a movement view

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