Wednesday 16 July, 2008

India Poised?

The 9% growth story simply refuses to get old in our memories. We continue to take refuge in it for every little failure. We have simply drowned ourselves in this rosy picture of India surging ahead. So much so that we are actually making us believe that we are all set and ready to become an example for the world to follow. That we are all ready for the next stage of development and change; but are we really prepared for it? India Poised?
Let us first look at the so called Educated Class. What happened to us? Why do we still have cases like Amit Kumar, a stigma on his profession? A grave threat to the society, especially the uninformed lot. Have we forgotten integrity or humanity for that matter? Do we ever sit down and account for all our disloyal and indifferent acts? Or are we simply aware of the fact that we have made the society a living hell?
Who is supposed to take the responsibility? Our Education System, Parents or Society at large which again is a product of this very Education System? First we don't ensure Education for every child and then we refuse to take responsibility of the asocial acts of the ones already availing Education. The problem here has aggravated and extended to quality and what we are doing is still counting heads. It is like not treating the disease but ensuring the supply of pain killers. How long shall we expect to stay healthy like this?
Stay healthy physically, mentally and morally, fit enough to conduct ourselves on the norms of humanity.
We are all living in a morally bankrupt state and what we are only prepared for or poised, to put it fashionably is for more Corruption and Inhumanity, both actively and passively.
Oxygen… a movement view

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any disease can be cured fully only when we know of its root cause , study of the external symptoms only will lead to superficial treatment. THe endlesss list of problems faced by our Indian society can be curtailed only when we hit the root cause.Poor quality of education or non-educatuion is the deepest root of all existing problems and so it needs to be reformed.