Wednesday 16 July, 2008

Mothers, an Educational Institution

If one had to ever give a character sketch of Education, very likely one would end up describing Mother.
She is an Institution of Learning in her self. She is the one who introduces us to life. Our senses come alive through her endeavor and we identify our existence with her. Our first yearnings beckon for her very touch, very smell and very presence. She is the whole world to begin with. As one starts to grow, one sees the world through her eyes. We take refuge in her for our every success and failure. She selflessly becomes a part of every single event in life. She never judges, complains, punishes or rewards, she is just there all the while, a permanent support and guidance.
On third may 2008, around three hundred students from Patna dreamt of a school that would be very close to what mothers are and that really is what Education is all about. With all humility and prayer in their heart they beckoned mothers to be the source of motivation and blessing in achieving their dreams, our dreams.
If the system and society could draw inspiration from mothers, we could have an environment which is nurturing in every sense. Which does not differentiates, or discourages, but guides always. If our schools beckoned every child like mothers do, groomed them for life and its shortcomings then we could take the sigh of huge relief, what Education!!!
Oxygen… a movement view


Anonymous said...

mothers indeed are the first teacher of any individual, they are the ones who introduce us to this world ,protect us from various evils , guide us and act as a constant source of support. schools -the temple of education must also be caring for its students, showing them the right path , making them realise their full potential,enhancing their skill and making them dextrous in tackling the problems when they step into this competitive world.

Anonymous said...

the role of mothers in life and character- building cannot be undermined, so can't be it undermined in the overall education of the order to develop the overall personality of a child a school definitely needs the assistance and suggestions of mothers. unfortunately this aspect has been neglected by our education system till now.