Wednesday 16 July, 2008

Children- Sufferers by Default

Children constitute around 40 percent of India’s population. And two out of every three children have faced abuse of some kind. We have all talked about evils in the society time and again. But what we have failed to see is their subtle and drastic influence on children. Yes, children have remained the soft targets of all malpractice in every society. They are kidnaped and killed when people want to settle their feudal differences or want to get rich over might. Political propagandists mindlessly call for bandhs, do chakka-jaams, burn buses without giving it a thought that children who have practically no say in these are getting severely affected. Today multi-national companies are targeting young kids for marketing their products. They are selling them goodies which easily lure young minds but doesn’t reveal the lurking danger. The society is full of crooks who are promising young students a great career but leading them no where. Our society is not educating kids about sensitive issues. In lack of information children are falling prey to unhealthy practices. They are falling prey to domestic violence and abuse. In free time the lack of creative engagements are making them dull and unenthusiastic towards life. And in the midst of this crisis is the present education system which is turning our children into rote-learners who are of no good to the society in general. If we don’t at once stop these and stop making children soft targets, it is frivolous that we are thinking of a tomorrow that will be better.
Oxygen… a movement view

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